Wednesday, June 2, 2021

GOD VS alllah

 GOD VS alllah  -

Planned for ALBUM:      Amazing LORD 'n' Life
FORMATTED LYRICS and Draft MUSIC SETUP  PDF files (free download) 
at LINK:
SONG = ©2021, 2016 DianaDee Osborne (all files),  Songwriter #P272655
LYRICS (-LY)  below;  see website for Draft Music Setup with COUNTS  file (-MUSET)
                             Free personal usage, but all rights reserved.
MUSICIANS:  Rights for most songs Available;  see end below or website "ABOUT US" tab.

TIMING and PICKUP (PU) :    VERSES in 3/4 time;  CHORUS in 4/4.   No pickups.       
REFERENCE :                         JOURNAL:   31-082
Dedicated to YHWH GOD, 28 August 2016

VERSE 1               in 3/4 time
The Qur'an is easy to _ understand: Says
those who don't believe are deserving Death. And
WHAT to believe is easy to know with-
OUT evidence, believe in alllah. With
no hints he exists, believe in alllah. With
NO shows of compassion, no shows of love. With
burdens, threats, and revenge words
taught as words of alllah.

CHORUS     changing to 4/4 time :
Why would anyone think Yahweh God who answers prayers..... [who]
Gave His Name, Exodus 3:14, 
through His books shows Great Love and Care for
YOU.... for ALL....

However can ANYONE think Yahweh's just like alllah ???
What miracles of LOVE have been shown by alllah ???
What PEACE and JOY in HEARTS is offere by alllah ???

It's YAHWEH who with LOVE is JUST.... 
Demands NOT Revenge but 
Islam is easy to follow without Thought. Just
do what you're told by Muslims and their book. Don't
DARE to question. Don't think in your mind. Unlike
Jehovah, who invites you, “Seek God.” That's
diff'rent from Islam, which teaches, alllah REWARDS
those who punish or kill unbelievers.
No freedom, no tears of love as
taught by God's Son, Jesus 
     >>> TO CHORUS

Wisdom's a Treasure to Seekers of Truth. It's
promised by Yahweh through ALL of His book. NO
NEED for wisdom in Islam's teachings: Just
do what you're told and don't question alllah. YET
Creator Yahweh INVITES you to seek. Calls
“Come, Let us Reason”.   See Isaiah 1: 18.
Deuteronomy 4 Promise, we'll FIND GOD....
IF we seek.
“... you will seek YHWH [the LORD] your God,
and you will find Him if you seek Him
with all your heart and with all your soul. ” -- Deuteronomy 4:29 NKJV
FALSE versions of Christianity teach revenge, hatred against enemies of God...
Jesus demanded that we LOVE enemies as He does...
that we FORGIVE those who hurt
and even KILL us..... 
NOTHING in the Qur'an or any other religion's writing says that.
Instead, violence and hatred are done against anyone who thinks differently. 
Isaiah 1:18,  God INVITES us to reason with Him respectfully... 
His word is full of promises to those who SEEK TRUTH.... 
who are not forced to believe words in His Bible book.
LYRICS Story:     
Written with love and sorrow while crafting song story for CHILD BY THE ROAD...
and other songs, about how LOVE DOES NOT JUST SAY "OK" when we see
people standing on a train track refusing to BELIEVE there is a deadly train coming.
Ezekiel 33, God Named YHWH (as HE says in Isaiah 42:8 Hebrew)  warns us.....
If WE do not warn others of Truth,  God holds US responsible for their blood... Death.
This FUTURE song's Draft Lyrics (music not yet completed) is subject to change.    It is, copyrighted, for private usage only - but SEE BELOW: 
MUSICIANS:  Rights for lyrics for songs not yet being worked with music are available; 
as are various  recording & publication rights for completed songs on website & blogs.  
HOW TO CONTACT =  (1) via website with PERSONAL MESSAGE & NAME in FROM box, or (2) BEST = via Facebook MESSAGE at
©2008-2021 DianaDee Osborne (all material), all rights reserved.  
With thanks to  for providing God's Word in easy-to-research format 